
Snappin’ Beans

Snappin’ Beans

Snappin’ beans on the front porch is a summertime ritual in the Appalachia area.  My Great Grandmother, maw, aunt, mom and I would head out into the garden in the early morning hours on a July day.  The favorite variety of beans in our family is the Pole...

Rise Up, Ministers

Rise Up, Ministers

Rise up, Ministers.  It is our time to shine.  It is our time to be illuminated by the Source.  The Source that has its DNA in every living, breathing creature on this planet.  Our humanity is jumping out in front of the real star of the show . . ....

The Front Porch

The Front Porch

This is where it all began.  Well, that is my relationship with Being, the Divine or God.  Whatever you choose to call the experience of pure love and acceptance from an unseen feeling of consciousness.  I remember from a very young age; prior to age 5 certainly, my...