Rise up, Ministers. It is our time to shine. It is our time to be illuminated by the Source. The Source that has its DNA in every living, breathing creature on this planet. Our humanity is jumping out in front of the real star of the show . . . Spirit! Our humanity is getting caught up in the projections of an unknown material future. This is a cauldron in which hate, anxiety and disrespect are being stirred by our own doing. Don’t serve this up!
Rise up, Ministers! Spirit is here all around us and within us and as us. Spirit is the leading role of a story that is ever unfolding on this planet. We are the vessels to open hearts, minds, hands and love right now. We are the ones that said “YES”! We are the ones that said “HERE I AM, LORD”. We are the ones that said, “I WILL HOLD YOUR PEOPLE IN MY HEART”. Not some people, not certain people but PEOPLE.
Rise up, Ministers! Stretch your arms wide to embrace an energy that transforms. An energy that invites those that don’t look like us; those that don’t vote like us; those that don’t worship like us so we can hug them all with a sacred energy called love. This is the true transformation. . . a love that goes beyond hate, disrespect and anxiety. A love that that says, “welcome”! Welcome to our table. Become the host for gratitude this Thanksgiving. Gratitude for another day to serve. Say “YES” again and again. Say “YES” to the neighbor, say “YES” to the enemy, say “YES” to humanity.
Rise up, Ministers! Listen to the concerns. Listen to the anger. Listen to the sadness. Listen to the fears. Hug it all with the unseen energy of love. Raise the vibration of humanity in standing strong to the vision of One Spirit. The One Spirit that blankets us with the courage to see beyond our humanness in each other. The One Spirit that orchestrates our work to bring about a rising of consciousness in those we encounter and ourselves.
Rise up, Ministers! What we have studied, trained and prepared for is before us now. The waters flow, the tides swell, and the moon pulls our spiritual tether; connecting us to Divine knowledge. The Divine that is in each person, animal, plant. This magnificent spiritual DNA is called life! Serve this up, ministers. The planet is ready, the people are ready, and peace is at hand now! Get out there and Be it! Be the peace as a smile, a hug, a listening ear to a humanity that is craving to feel unity. Be an energy of love so strong it comforts the heart not the politics. Allow Spirit to shine so bright as you; that it becomes contagious in all living things. Illuminate the world in this manner and witness the star of the show; Spirit taking a bow as humanity calmly grows.
Rise up, Ministers! Be this now!